Return to Tokyo for a royal wedding in Tokyo Dreaming, by Emiko Jean - the sequel to the Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick and New York Times bestseller Tokyo Ever After. When Japanese-American Izumi Tanaka learned her father was the Crown Prince of Japan, she became a princess overnight. Now, she's overcome conniving cousins, salacious press, and an imperial scandal to finally find a place she belongs. She has a perfect bodyguard turned boyfriend. Her stinky dog, Tamagotchi, is living with her in Tokyo. Her parents have even rekindled their college romance and are engaged. A royal wedding is on the horizon! Izumi' ... |
Love moves to its own beat. Evie is disillusioned about love ever since her dad left her mum for another woman - she's even throwing out her beloved romance novel collection. When she's given a copy of a book called Instructions for Dancing, and follows a note inside to a dilapidated dance studio, she discovers she has a strange and unwelcome gift. When a couple kisses in front of her, she can see their whole relationship play out - from the moment they first catch each other's eye to the last bitter moments of their break-up. For Evie, it confirms everything she thinks she knows about love - that it doesn ... |
Illustrated by Julia Pearson. ... "Anna opened carriage door and stepped down onto the platform. The wind and snow swirled around her and she took a deep breath of the freezing air. The storm was very powerful now. She took another deep breath and turned to go back into the train. As she turned, she saw Vronsky standing on the platform before her. He bowed to her and said a few words which she could not hear. All the time, he looked at her with the same expression - one of complete love. She was overcome by a feeling of great joy. "I did not know that you were travelling. Why are you coming to Petersburg?" ... |
Elizabeth Gilbert, a successful writer, had everything - a husband, friends, a big house in New York. But one day she realized she did not want any of it. A new relationship brought more heartbreak, deep depression followed, and in desperation, she started to pray. She decided to spend a year without any new relationships, and to travel in Italy, India, and Indonesia, searching for meaning in her life. This memoir is the true story of her journey of discovery through pleasure, religion, and back to love again. It has also been made into a major movie. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary ... |
По романа на Джейн Остин, преразказан от Силвана Сарди. ... Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, rich, intelligent and a snob. She says she will never marry, but loves matchmaking and is determined to find a suitable husband for her friend Harriet Smith. However, her imagination often leads her to make mistakes, creating problems for both her and the people around her. Jane Austen describes the social values of her time and the novel is full of comical moments as Emma causes one disaster after another. Jane Austen once described Emma as a character 'whom no one but myself will much like'."You must be the best judge ... |
Sixteen-year-old Olivia Prior is missing three things: a mother, a father, and a voice. Her mother vanished all at once, and her father by degrees, and her voice was a thing she never had to start with. She grew up at Merilance School for Girls. Now, nearing the end of her time there, Olivia receives a letter from an uncle she's never met, her father's older brother, summoning her to his estate, a place called Gallant. But when she arrives, she discovers that the letter she received was several years old. Her uncle is dead. The estate is empty, save for the servants. Olivia is permitted to remain, but must ... |
Meet Roger. Skilled with words, languages come easily to him. He instinctively understands how the world works through the power of story. Meet Dodger, his twin. Numbers are her world, her obsession, her everything. All she understands, she does so through the power of math. Roger and Dodger aren't exactly human, though they don't realize it. They aren't exactly gods, either. Not entirely. Not yet. Meet Reed, skilled in the alchemical arts like his progenitor before him. Reed created Dodger and her brother. He's not their father. Not quite. But he has a plan: to raise the twins to the highest power, to ... |
The Sunday Times bestseller. ... London, 1941. Amid the falling bombs Emmeline Lake dreams of becoming a fearless Lady War Correspondent. Unfortunately, Emmy instead finds herself employed as a typist for the formidable Henrietta Bird, the renowned agony aunt at "Woman's Friend" magazine. Mrs Bird refuses to read, let alone answer, letters containing any form of Unpleasantness, and definitely not those from the lovelorn, grief-stricken or morally conflicted. But the thought of these desperate women waiting for an answer at this most desperate of times becomes impossible for Emmy to ignore. She decides she ... |
Известни изпълнители на народна музика в творчеството на композитора Атанас Илиев ... Ето, че и аз станах на 65 години. Не са малко. Обръщам се назад и правя някаква равносметка - какво съм постигнал, какво е минало до сега. А на тези години човек започва да се замисля и какво ще остане след него. Е, има с какво да се похваля. И като композитор и като диригент. Започнах като такъв в АНПТ при ОУ на МВР - Варна, след това в професионалния АНПТ "Варна". Като музикантен редактор на РТВЦ - Варна създадох фолклорното предаване "Въртяжка", което по-късно пренесох в Телевизионния канал 8. Всички, които обичат ... |
Десет женски изневери събира историите на десет жени, в живота на всяка от които се е промъкнала изневярата. Не защото са недостойни и с нисък морал - в никакъв случай. Това са жени, които живеят по правилата, работят, грижат се за дома и децата си. Копнеят. За онези истински дълбоки чувства, които често пъти поставяме на последно място в живота си и които по памет наричаме любов. Десет разказа, които плачат, смеят се, обичат. По женски. Авторът Катя Антонова е позната с детските си книги: поредицата Феята от захарницата, Двете кралства, Принцесешки истории, Рибка и други. В Десет женски изневери тя отново ... |
Женските гърди са не само обект на мъжкото внимание, те са и свят символ на майчинството, но за съжаление могат да се превърнат и в източник на неочаквани преживявания. Настоящата книга съдържа полезни съвети как да избегнете срещата с мастита, как да запазите отличната форма на бюста си след бременност и кърмене, как ще се отрази диетата върху вида и здравето на гърдите ви. И не само! Ще разберете как влияе менопаузата на тяхното общо състояние, какви заболявания ви заплашват в тази възраст, какво трябва да направите, ако забележите необичайни промени и поява на бучки и как да се възстановите след операция, ако вече сте ... |
Езикова система по английски език в три нива за самообучение и обучение в група, специално адаптирана за българи. Предимства на системата: Пълен курс по английски език с ясни и подробни обяснения на български език; Комбинация от най-ефективните методи за изучаване на чужд език; Ще получите такива познания по езика, които да ви позволят да общувате пълноценно; Ще изучавате английски, който бихте могли да използвате в реални житейски ситуации. Всеки учебник от системата BBC съдържа 20 раздела, като 4 от тях (5, 10, 15 и 20) са тестове. Всеки раздел съдържа 4 рубрики, които варират в зависимост от нивото, което ... |