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Òúðñåíå íà: Nature of agiva ������ ����

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Öåíà:  30.00 ëâ.
Ñòî ãîäèíè îò ðîæäåíèåòî íà àêàä. Èâàí Ñòåôàíîâ
Ï. Øàïêàðåâ, Ï. Íàéäåíîâà, Ð. Ðàíãåëîâà, Ñ. Äèìèòðîâà

ÀÈ Ïðîô. Ìàðèí Äðèíîâ
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  5.00 ëâ.
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin

Collector's Library
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
The Lost Book of the White
Cassandra Clare, Wesley Chu

Simon & Schuster
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíè îò:  26.00 ëâ.
The Ancient Egyptian Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Sergei Ignatov

Íîâ áúëãàðñêè óíèâåðñèòåò
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  23.00 ëâ.
Wild Flowers of the British Isles
Êàðòè çà èãðà

Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 13.90 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -35%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  9.04 ëâ.
The Case - Book of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Collector's Library
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
A guide to the Valley of Roses
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Alexander Ivanov

Ôîíäàöèÿ Ôðèé Ñïèé÷ Èíòåðíåøúíúë
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  49.99 ëâ.
Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria
Galin Jordanov

Íîâà çâåçäà
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  25.00 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòè îòãîâàðÿùè íà òúðñåíå: Nature of agiva ������ ����
Çäðàâíàòà èíôîðìàöèÿ êàòî ñîöèàëåí ðåãóëàòîð -
Çäðàâíàòà èíôîðìàöèÿ êàòî ñîöèàëåí ðåãóëàòîð
Æ. Âèíàðîâà, Ï. Ìèõîâà

Çàõàðèé Ñòîÿíîâ
Öåíà:  30.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
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Ñòî ãîäèíè îò ðîæäåíèåòî íà àêàä. Èâàí Ñòåôàíîâ -
Ñòî ãîäèíè îò ðîæäåíèåòî íà àêàä. Èâàí Ñòåôàíîâ
Ï. Øàïêàðåâ, Ï. Íàéäåíîâà, Ð. Ðàíãåëîâà, Ñ. Äèìèòðîâà

ÀÈ Ïðîô. Ìàðèí Äðèíîâ
Öåíà:  5.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Êíèãàòà å ïîñâåòåíà íà 100-ãîäèøíèíàòà îò ðîæäåíèåòî íà àêàä. Èâàí Ñòåôàíîâ. Îáõâàíàòà å ìíîãîñòðàííàòà ìó íàó÷íà, óíèâåðñèòåòñêà, ïóáëèöèñòè÷íà, äúðæàâíè÷åñêà è îáùåñòâåíà äåéíîñò. ...
On the Origin of Species -
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin

Collector's Library
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "On the Origin of Species" outlines Charles Darwin's world-changing theory that life on Earth had not been brought into being by a creator, but had arisen from a single common ancestor and had evolved over time through the process of natural selection. Received with both enthusiasm and hostility on its publication, it triggered a seismic shift in our understanding of humanity's place in the natural world. It is not only a brilliant work of science but also a clear, vivid, sometimes moving piece of popular writing that reflects both Darwin&# ...
The Lost Book of the White -
The Lost Book of the White
Cassandra Clare, Wesley Chu

Simon & Schuster
Öåíè îò:  26.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Life is good for Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. That is, until the night that two old acquaintances break into Magnus's apartment and steal the powerful Book of the White. Now Magnus and Alec will have to drop everything to follow the thieves to Shanghai. And Magnus has been stabbed with a strange magical weapon that is changing the very nature of his powers. Fortunately, they have backup in the form of Clary, Jace, Isabelle and Simon. In Shanghai, they learn that a much darker threat awaits them. Magnus's magic is growing unstable, and if they can't stop the demons flooding into the city, they might have ...
The Ancient Egyptian Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor -
The Ancient Egyptian Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Sergei Ignatov

Íîâ áúëãàðñêè óíèâåðñèòåò
Öåíà:  23.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Morphology of Classical Egypt. ... The main corpus of the study represents a source study of pHermitage 1115, containing the text, which describes the encounter and the discourse of an Egyptian man with a deity. The text is considered in a dialogue with the texts of the epoch, i.e. the principle is followed that in order to understand an ancient text, one has to study all the other ones that are accessible. The uniqueness of the presented papyrus lies in the fact that it contains the most ancient evidence of prayer and of sacrifice, committed without the mediation of priests and is the most ancient story, describing a ...
Wild Flowers of the British Isles - Wild Flowers of the British Isles
Êàðòè çà èãðà

Öåíà:  9.04 ëâ.
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 13.90 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -35%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
More than just a pack of cards! ... A great way to learn more about the wildlife around us. These "52 Spot and Score Nature Series" card packs can also be used as traditional playing cards - that's twice the fun! Êîìïëåêò îò 52 êàðòè çà èãðà, êîéòî å ÷óäåñåí íà÷èí äà íàó÷èòå ïîâå÷å çà ïðèðîäàòà, êîÿòî íè çàîáèêàëÿ. Òåêñòúò íà êàðòèòå å íà àíãëèéñêè åçèê. ...
The Case - Book of Sherlock Holmes -
The Case - Book of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Collector's Library
Öåíà:  25.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âèäåî ìàòåðèàëè
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Complete and unabridged with an afterword by David Stuard Davies. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes" contains Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's final twelve stories about his great fictional detective. Featuring crypts at midnight, strange bones in a furnace and a blood-sucking vampire, these tales explore the darker side of human nature and involve betrayal, violence and the terrible consequences of infidelity. This "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on ...
Äåòñêà äúðâåíà ôàäðîìà Goki - Äåòñêà äúðâåíà ôàäðîìà Goki
Îò ñåðèÿòà Nature

Öåíà:  97.90 ëâ.
Ôàäðîìàòà å ÷àñò îò ñåðèÿòà Nature , êúäåòî ùå îòêðèåòå îùå äúðâåíè èãðà÷êè ïî òåìàòà. ... Àêî âàøåòî äåòå îáè÷à äà ñè èãðàå ñ ïðåâîçíè ñðåäñòâà, òî ôàäðîìàòà îò Goki å òî÷íî çà íåãî! Òÿ å ïîäõîäÿùà çà ìàë÷óãàíè íàä 3-ãîäèøíà âúçðàñò è å ñ ðàçìåðè, ñúîáðàçåíè ñ ìàëêèòå äåòñêè ðú÷è÷êè. Èãðà÷êàòà å èçðàáîòåíà îò äúðâî, à âìåñòî áîè è ëàêîâå, çà îöâåòÿâàíåòî ѝ å èçïîëçâàí òåðìè÷åí ìåòîä, îò êîéòî ïðèäîáèâà ïî-òúìíèÿò ñè íþàíñ è ëåê îïóøåí ìèðèñ. Ôàäðîìàòà èìà ïîäâèæíè åëåìåíòè - ìîæå äà ñå äâèæè íàïðåä è íàçàä, áëàãîäàðåíèå íà âúðòÿùèòå ñå êîëåëöà, à ëîïàòàòà ìîæå äà ñå âäèãà è ñâàëÿ, êàòî çà öåëòà èìà äðúæêà. ...
A guide to the Valley of Roses -
A guide to the Valley of Roses
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Alexander Ivanov

Ôîíäàöèÿ Ôðèé Ñïèé÷ Èíòåðíåøúíúë
Öåíà:  49.99 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ñðåä íàé-èíòåðåñíèòå â
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
The Bulgarian oil-bearing rose may be this country's unofficial symbol, yet it grows in just a narrow patch of land squeezed between two mountain ranges. Known as the Valley of Roses, this region deserves to be explored and visited for more than its aromatic flowers. With its rich ancient heritage, stunning summits and peaks, traditional towns and villages, historical sites of national importance, remnants of Communist-era megalomaniacal projects in various stages of dilapidation, and a vibrant community preserving the traditions of yesteryear, the Valley of Roses is Bulgaria in a nutshell. With breathtaking ...
Urology. A textbook for students of medicine -
Urology. A textbook for students of medicine
B.Zozikov, V.Mariyanovski, B.Petrov, B.Mladenov, V.Hadzhiyska

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  18.00 ëâ.
Medical sciences. ... This textbook of Urology is intended for students of medicine. It complies with the academic Urology curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. In the presentation of the teaching material, using clear and comprehensible language in accordance with the level achieved by our students, we have strived to strike a balance between the necessary and the sufficient amount of information that non-specialist urologists would need in order to acquire the basic knowledge of urology that is essential for their general medical culture and practice. We have deliberately avoided ...
Ó÷åíè÷åñêà ðàíèöà Gabol - Ó÷åíè÷åñêà ðàíèöà Gabol
Îò ñåðèÿòà Nature

Öåíà:  74.90 ëâ.
Ðàíèöàòà å ÷àñò îò ñåðèÿòà Nature , êúäåòî ùå îòêðèåòå îùå íåñåñåðè, ðàíèöè è ó÷åíè÷åñêè àêñåñîàðè ïî òåìàòà. ... Ó÷åíè÷åñêàòà ðàíèöà îò Gabol å ñ òåðìîôîðìåí ãðúá. Ïðåçðàìêèòå ѝ ñà ïîäïëàòåíè, øèðîêè è ñ ôóíêöèÿ çà ðåãóëèðàíå íà äúëæèíàòà, ñïðÿìî íóæäèòå íà ïîëçâàòåëÿ. Ðàíèöàòà ðàçïîëàãà ñ åäíî îñíîâíî îòäåëåíèå, 1 ïðåäåí äæîá è ñòðàíè÷åí äæîá ñ ëàñòèê.  äîïúëíåíèå, òÿ å ñíàáäåíà ñ êúñà äðúæêà çà íîñåíå â ðúêà, ñâåòëîîòðàçèòåëíè åëåìåíòè, ïîäïëàòåíî äúíî, êàêòî è îòâîð íà ãúðáà, êîéòî ñëóæè çà ïîñòàâÿíåòî ѝ âúðõó äðúæêàòà íà êîëè÷êà èëè êóôàð . Õàðàêòåðèñòèêè íà ðàíèöàòà: òåðìîôîðìåí ãðúá ïîäïëàòåíè, ...
Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria -
Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria
Galin Jordanov

Íîâà çâåçäà
Öåíà:  25.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
"A yet too rare example of a balanced approach towards the Bulgarian past is what you will come upon in this book... You might not share the opinion of what has been laid out here; you might find the events and their explanation well-known or queer - anyway, it is worth reading it." Andrey Pantev , Professor of history ...
Òúðñåíå íà: Nature of agiva ������ ���� Ïðîäóêòè 421-432 îò íàä 500
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