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The Folk of the Air - book 2: The Wicked King
Holly Black

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Enola Holmes: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets
Nancy Springer

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Öåíà:  16.00 ëâ.
How the King of Elfhame learned to hate stories
Holly Black

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Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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The Folk of the Air - book 1: The Cruel Prince
Holly Black

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Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Left-Handed Lady
Nancy Springer

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Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess
Nancy Springer

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Ysmin Rahman

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The Folk of the Air - book 2: The Wicked King -
The Folk of the Air - book 2: The Wicked King
Holly Black

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Öåíè îò:  20.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
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"I have heard that for mortals, the feeling of falling in love is very like the feeling of fear." Jude has tricked Cardan onto the throne, binding him to her for a year and a day. But the new High King does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undimmed. Meanwhile, a traitor in the court is scheming against her. Jude must fight for her life and the lives of those she loves, all while battling her own complicated feelings for Cardan. Now a year and a day seems like no time at all... An intoxicating and bloodthirsty sequel to the New York Times ...
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Enola Holmes: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets -
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets
Nancy Springer

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Öåíà:  16.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Enola Holmes is still on the run from her brother and world's most famous detective Sherlock Holmes. After one close encounter too many with him, Enola must abandon her disguise and find a new way to avoid discovery. But when Sherlock's right-hand man, Dr Watson, goes missing without a trace, Enola is unable to resist investigating. Especially when she learns that a bizarre bouquet - with flowers that all symbolise death - has been delivered to the Watson residence. It's a race against time to find Dr Watson before it's too late. Enola Holmes returns in this exciting third mystery. ...
How the King of Elfhame learned to hate stories -
How the King of Elfhame learned to hate stories
Holly Black

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Öåíà:  29.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame from bestselling Folk of the Air author Holly Black , with stunning full-colour illustrations by Rovina Cai. Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue... Before he was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a heart of stone. The No. 1 Bestselling author Holly Black takes a deeper look into the dramatic life of Elfhame's enigmatic High King, Cardan, told only from his perspective. This new instalment in th "Folk of the Air" series is a return to the heart-racing romance, danger, humour and drama that haveenchanted ...
The Folk of the Air - book 1: The Cruel Prince -
The Folk of the Air - book 1: The Cruel Prince
Holly Black

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Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
#1 New York Times Bestselling author. ... Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever. And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. One terrible morning, Jude and her sisters see their parents murdered in front of them. The terrifying assassin abducts all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is installed in the royal court but mocked and tormented by the Faerie royalty for being mortal. As Jude grows older, she realises that ...
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Enola Holmes: The Case of the Left-Handed Lady
Nancy Springer

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Öåíà:  18.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Enola Holmes is on the run from the world's most famous detective - her brother Sherlock Holmes. As she roams the dark and dangerous streets of London disguised as a doctor's secretary called Miss Ivy Meshle, Enola is reminded more and more that her name backwards spells "alone". But when she finds a concealed cache of dazzling charcoal drawings, she feels drawn to the girl who drew them. Only, that girl, young Lady Cecily, has mysteriously vanished. It's up to Enola to find her, but false appearances can only last so long... Enola's adventures continue in this thrilling second instalment. ...
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Ñòî ãîäèíè îò ðîæäåíèåòî íà àêàä. Èâàí Ñòåôàíîâ
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Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess -
Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess
Nancy Springer

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Öåíà:  16.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
When Enola Holmes, sister to the detective Sherlock Holmes, discovers her mother has disappeared, she quickly embarks on a journey to London in search of her. But nothing can prepare her for what awaits. Because when she arrives, she finds herself involved in the kidnapping of a young marquess, fleeing murderous villains, and trying to elude her shrewd older brothers-all while attempting to piece together clues to her mother's strange disappearance. Amid all the mayhem, will Enola be able to decode the necessary clues and find her mother? ...
All The Things We Never Said -
All The Things We Never Said
Ysmin Rahman

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Öåíà:  18.90 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Can friends save your life? ... A pact is a pact after all. Mehreen's anxiety and depression are taking over her life and she can't beart the "Chaos" anymore. So she joins a website that matches people with partners and allocates them a date and method of death: the pact. Mehreen is paired with Cara and Olivia. As the girls meet in secret, the desperation that brought the together leads to a mutually supportive friendship. They start to realise that life can be worth living. Before long, all three want out of the pact. But terrifying twist, the website won't let them stop, and an increasingly ...
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